quinta-feira, 17 de abril de 2008

How you’ve change,
Saintly gentle on the kiss,
Sweetness full of deceiving drops
Admirable controversial gains have appeared.

Remorse on the chosen colours,
Sliced blesses come from you,
Now it’s another step,
With a veil that was drawn away,
I now feel with the inner shell.

Can’t you see my love?
Tears are forever dying,
Timber is full of lust,
Dust in again flying.

Back to the unknown,
New reasonable contemplation
Feels understandably now?
My belly is generating butterflies
My hands,
They shake now
Come and feel the new bless within.

See the herbs on my cheeks,
Violet ones translucent (translate) themselves (one by one),
Pleasure suspends in itself
Today under shall become over.

Can’t you see my love?
Tears are forever dying,
Timber is full of lust,
Dust in again flying.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

isabelinha esta triste?!espero k n!
aptece-m conhecer nvas pessoas!wuuu
ond s vai conhecer pessoas?hummm n sei!
Bjo meu amor (L)

Anónimo disse...

n percebo inglês e nem me apetece fazer um esforço, sei que me entendes!!
Beijo na boca isabelinha